Location of Operation:
114 Sumner Road
Buckfield, ME 04220
207 - 336 - 2700
Hours of Operation:
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Additional Resources:
Solid Waste Transfer Station
The Buckfield-Sumner Solid Waste Transfer Station is available for use by Sumner Residents. A valid Transfer Station Permit Sticker is required for use of the facility.
Household trash (solid waste), recyclable materials, and bulky waste items may all be brought to the Solid Waste Transfer Station.
Transfer Station Permit Stickers
Transfer Station Permit Stickers may be obtained at the Sumner Town Office during normal business hours.
Swap Shop
The goal of the Buckfield-Sumner Swap Shop is to (a) reduce the amount of material being sent for disposal at the regional station and to (b) offer residents a place to recycle through reuse items which still have utility. The shop is operated entirely by volunteers and its expenses defrayed by cash donations, ranging from pennies to a few dollars, from users.
For additional questions or more information regarding the Solid Waste Transfer Station, please contact the Sumner Town Office