Fire Safety & Prevention Resources:
Open Burn Permit Add'l Resources:
Additional Resources:
Volunteer Fire Department
Thank you for visiting the Town of Sumner's Volunteer Fire Department webpage. This page serves to provide our community information and resources regarding safety and assistance.
The Sumner Volunteer Fire Department always welcomes new members. If interested in joining, please contact the Sumner Town Office.
Fire/Medical Emergencies:
DIAL 9-1-1
Oxford County Dispatch
(207) 743 - 9554
Doug Fournier
Sumner Fire Department Chief
633 Main Street
Sumner, ME 04292
Wally Litchfield
Sumner Fire Department Warden
633 Main Street
Sumner, ME 04292
(207) 388 – 2402
Volunteer Fire Firefighter Trainings are held every 2nd Thursday of the month at 6:00 PM in the Sumner Fire Barn (located at the Sumner Town Office.)
Volunteer Fire Department Meetings are held every 3rd Thursday of the month at 6:00 PM at the Sumner Town Office.
If you need an Open Burn Permit:
This online service allows people to obtain an open burning permit 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Permits are issued at no cost.
Get a Burn Permit
ALWAYS REMEMER: to check the Maine Wildfire Danger and Class Day Report before burning.
For additional questions or more information about the Sumner Volunteer Fire Department, please contact the Sumner Town Office.