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Additional Resources:

Registrar of Voters

Diane Campbell

633 Main Street

Sumner, ME 04292

(207) 388-2866


Voter Registration & Elections

The State of Maine allows residents to register to vote anytime, including the day of the election. Sumner residents may register to vote in person at the Sumner Town Office anytime. 

Eligibility to Register and Vote in Maine

To be eligible to register to vote in Maine, you must:

  • Be a citizen of the United States;

  • Be at least 17 years of age (you must be at least 18 years of age to vote, except that in primary elections you may vote if you are 17 but will be 18 by the general election);

  • Have established and maintain a voting residence in the municipality (i.e. city, town, plantation or unorganized township) where you seek to register.

Please see the State of Maine Voter Guide for more information about voter eligibility & residency.

Registering to Vote

Residents can visit the Sumner Town Office during business hours to register or can complete a voter registration card through the mail/drop box.

1. Download the fillable PDF Maine Voter Registration Card and fill it out completely and then print it. 
2. Include copies of the following:

  • Proof of Identity (Included, but not limited to, a drivers license, state ID, passport, social security number, or any other government issued identification. Please view the Proof of Identity for Voting Purposes for a complete list.)

  • Proof of Residency if your Sumner address is not listed on your form of ID. (Included, but not limited to, a vehicle registration, hunting/fishing license, utility bill, etc. Please view the Maine Voting Residence Fact Sheet for a complete list.)

3. Return documents to the Sumner Town Office or mail them to:

ATTN: Voter Registrar
Town of Sumner
633 Main Street
Sumner, ME 04292 

Absentee Ballot Voting

Under Maine’s current law, any registered voter may vote absentee, however absentee ballots are only able to be issued until three business days prior to the election. Registered voters in the Town of Sumner may vote absentee in person at the Sumner Town Office.


Absentee ballots may also be requested by telephone or by submitting an application. Voters may request an application through the Sumner Town Office or request an absentee ballot through the State of Maine website.

For additional questions or more information regarding voter registration and elections, please contact the Sumner Town Office

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